Because of all this, products made from cowhide are usually supple and breathable, can be dyed or left with their natural finish; they also reject moisture, retain their shape and are resistant to sun and heat damage, making them ideal for the outdoors.
And most importantly for you; their aging is slow, so they can last up to 5 times longer than other types of leather. Remember, they are products that we use constantly, opening and closing them several times during the day, in many cases, every day.
Maybe you don't give much importance to leather when choosing it and you are only guided by taste and beauty, but when you know its advantages you realize what is best for you when choosing the material for the manufacture of your products, or simply when you want to buy some...
For this reason, you should bet on first class leathers and furs, since the durability of the object determines the difference with respect to synthetic materials. In addition, they produce less allergies and maintenance problems.
Due to its versatility, cowhide leather facilitates the development of high quality creative leather goods, since it has characteristics that make it suitable for the manufacture of excellent articles.
For this reason it is the most used by craftsmen and other producers of objects, without considering the peculiarity that, in this type of leather, certain marks, scratches or even small holes can be seen quite regularly.
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